Page currently under construction, please pardon our dust!

Don't forget to do your daily click for Palestine!

Trevor project suicide lifeline

Shamelessly commandeering a Tori Amos lyric for a title hehehe- anyway, hello, I'm Sully, welcome to the page! We're here to bring you all the southern queer stories your little heart desires. Black lives matter, trans rights are human rights, free Palestine. Y'all safe here.

Things that will likely end up on here eventually:

Story Related

Behind The Scenes Related

Mutual Aid and Community Related

About us. Links to our social medias are on that page btw!

Finally, here is the link to the original layout of the website, for nostalgia's sake.

to contact us, plz send us an email at

Signing off for now, we shall see how events unfold.

~ Sully